What Do You Hate About Kindle 3?
7Last week, we finally posted our review of Kindle 3. It’s truly a wonderful device to own or give as a gift to someone. But it is not without its flaws. While Kindle 3 is a more compact device, has a better screen, and features a powerful battery in comparison to its predecessors, it can be improved in many areas. Since a lot of our readers actually own a Kindle, we thought it’d be interesting to find out what flaws they see in Amazon Kindle. Here are few areas that we’d like Amazon to address in Kindle 4 and beyond:
- Document support: Kindle does not support ePub. It does support PDF but the PDF reader included on it leaves a lot to be desired. Kindle does not support e-book lending either.
- Battery: Kindle owners can not remove their Kindle battery on their own. They can but Amazon has not made it really easy. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just buy a battery and replace it without having to jump through hoops?
- PDF Reader: Kindle 3’s PDF reader leaves a lot to be desired. It does the job but reading PDF books on Kindle 3 is a tad bit more difficult than reading regular Kindle books.
- Web Browser: Kindle’s web browser has seen a lot of improvements since Kindle 1. But it needs even more work. Of course, Amazon may need to improve Kindle’s software dramatically as well.
- Kindle Apps: Kindle apps have been so disappointing so far. Word games are fun but they are not what you can call real apps. Amazon needs to make up its mind here. Will we see Android on Kindle 4? Amazon is starting an Android app store, so it would not be too surprising if that happened.
- MP3 Player: Amazon Kindle can play mp3 files but its audio player needs to be improved dramatically. Kindle is considered the best e-book reader on the market. There is no reason it should not have sophisticated audio features.
What do you hate about Kindle? What Kindle flaws do you want to live without?