Twitter Analysis: NOOK Color Rising?
Twitter is one of the most popular social networking websites around these days. Millions of tweets are posted online each and everyday. Twitter users talk about all kinds of topics, including the brands and products they are in love with (or hate). As reported by MSNBC, an analysis by Crimson Hexagon demonstrates that while Kindle is dominating Twitter talk among e-readers, NOOK talk is rising thanks to NOOK color:
Happy consumer tweet about the Kindle 1,000 times a day, vs. 500 per day for the Nook. The iPad comes in at a lackluster 120 tweets per day as an e-reader
It is essential to note that iPad related tweets are not exactly that low in number. iPad is a multi-dimensional device and is used for reading, gaming, entertainment, and beyond. The study does not differentiate between Kindle tweets and those addressing Kindle for iPad or Android. iPad does seem to be getting less favorable sentiment as an e-reader considering that it does not have an e-ink screen.
It is no surprise that people are in love with their Kindle or NOOK 1. These devices are not only quite powerful, they are very affordable as well. NOOK Color seems to be getting a lot of love for being an affordable tablet. But it has some of the weaknesses of iPad and is not as versatile.
Twitter is a great community to base studies such as these on. However, the community is notoriously biased towards new, shiny products. The fact that NOOK is rising on Twitter does not necessarily mean B&N is closing gaps on Amazon in the e-reader market. Many experts have questioned B&N’s new strategy. Only time will tell whether B&N will come to regret releasing NOOK Color.