Pandigital To Ship Second E-Reader
Credit: Pandigital
Remember Pandigital Novel reader? Apparently, Pandigital has launched a brand new e-book reader (7″) with a color display and support for multimedia content. It is a tablet that runs Android and lets users interact with their content using a stylus. Novel 7-inch color Multimedia eReader (PRD07T20WBL1) weighs 11.8 ounces and has a 2 GB on-board memory.
Unlike some popular e-readers, this e-reader does have a SD card slot which gives users the option to expand its memory by up to 32 GB. Novel e-Reader supports PDF and ePub files. Its battery is expected to last for up to 6 hours, which is disappointing to say the least. Novel eReader won’t kill the iPad anytime soon, but at $199, it may be an OK alternative, especially if you are hooked on Android.