Kindle Owners More Educated Than iPad Owners?
0People love to compare Kindle 3 and iPad. It is true that you can read e-books on both devices but they really can’t be classified in the same product category. Kindle 3 is a dedicated e-reader that is useful for long reading sessions. Apple iPad has more bells and whistles (a much better choice for videos and entertainment). Kindle fans are a very different crowd in comparison to their iPad counterparts. According to a new study by Nielsen, Kindle owners are older, wealthier, and more educated than iPad owners (on average).

Credit: Nielsen blog
Nielsen’s Connected Devices Playbook finds that younger people tend to gravitate more towards Apple iPad. The device seems to be more male friendly. 65% of iPad owners surveyed were male (63% of which were younger than the age of 35). iPad owners are more friendly towards ads (we have known all along that Kindle owners are not too receptive towards in-book ads).
Kindle owners tend to be wealthier. Forty-four percent of them make more than $80,000/year compared to 39 percent of iPad owners and 37 percent of iPhone owners. They also tend to have more education: 27 percent of Kindle owners have Master’s degrees or doctorates.
There is no question that Kindle owners read more books than iPad owners, considering that Kindle is a dedicated e-book reader. At the same time, Apple iPad’s market is growing fast, which means many Kindle owners may own iPads too. Owning a Kindle does not necessarily make one smarter or more educated. But educated people do tend to pay more attention to the quality of their reading experience (which is why Kindle is such a hit among them). Are Kindle owners smarter? You be the judge.
What’s your take: are Kindle owners smarter than iPad owners?