Kindle-Nook Owners Still Prefer Print Books?
0Many of us already have an e-book reader in our home. Reading e-books on these tiny devices is quite convenient. But that does not mean people don’t buy or read paper books any more. In fact, a California poll sponsored by USC’s Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and the Los Angeles Times, indicates that while e-reader adoption is on the rise, people still love reading paper books.

Credit: LA Times
1500 people were polled for this survey. 78% of those who participated in the survey claimed to own e-readers. 40% of those get most of their reading done using paper books. E-books are often cheaper than their paper counterparts. That means in the future, more people are going to get used to the idea of only relying on e-books. But paper books are not dead by any means.