Kindle Gets Heavier When You Add E-books?
0Kindle and other e-readers are quite portable and let you download and carry thousands of e-books on your e-reader. Many assume that e-books do not weigh anything. After all, you are only dealing with digital works. As UC Berkeley computer science professor John Kubiatowicz suggests, your e-reader does get heavy when you add more e-books to it. It just happens that the added weight is not enough for us to realize.
When you add e-books to your Kindle, your device will have to differentiate between a 0 and a 1 for things to go smoothly. The transistors in your device’s flash memory use a trapped electron to do that. Electrons do have a mass. The same idea applies when you charge or discharge your Kindle. The weight of your device may change with every little thing that you do. But the change is negligible.
Don’t let this discourage you from adding more e-books to your Kindle. You are never going to even realize the difference even if try really hard. The weight of electrons matter much more in the physics world. But it does not affect your Kindling experience.