iriver Story HD: Kindle 3 Killer?
Credit: PCMag
Amazon Kindle is the king of e-book readers at this point. It has a very powerful display and a host of features that give its owners a lot of bang for their buck. It is not everyday that we see devices with better screens than Kindle 3. iriver Story HD seems to be one of those devices. As demonstrated at CES 2011, Story HD will have a 6 inch, 1024 by 768 resolution screen. Iriver is taking advantage of a mono e-paper display made by LG to offer Story HD owners a better reading experience. The better resolution means images and text will look much sharper on Story HD in comparison to other e-readers.
The device does seem somewhat identical to Amazon Kindle 3. It is roughly of the same size and has a very similar layout. It does have an ARM Cortex processor inside as well as 2GB of storage (with support for SD cards). Iriver is expected to work with Borders to give Story HD readers the content they will need. The price is unknown at this point, but it will surely be somewhere around $139.
Will Story HD make an impact in the e-reader market? That is tough to say. Amazon Kindle has a lot of momentum behind it. Kindle 4 is not that far down the line, and we could be in for more surprises by Amazon in the near future.
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