iPad Repair vs. Kindle Repair
1Many of us don’t want to worry about how we’d go about repairing our gadgets at the very time we are picking them up. But at some point things can go wrong, and it is essential to know how you are going to get your device repaired or replaced by the manufacturer. Amazon Kindle customers had a lot of issues getting their devices repaired in Kindle’s early days. Amazon did not have a Kindle repair service when it introduced the device to the market. That led to a lot of confusion and people complaining about the service they were receiving. Fast forward a few years, and you can have your device repaired for $99 fast.
Apple fans have never had to deal with that issue. Apple is pretty good at taking care of its customers. You can always take your device to an Apple store and have it repaired for you (hopefully when it’s under warranty). The iPad case is very interesting. The device does not come with a user-replaceable battery. So you are going to have to send your device to Apple to get your battery issues fixed. The price? It’s going to cost you $99 + s/h. What if you want to replace your iPad battery yourself? Be prepared to void your device’s warranty.
This is clearly a bad move by Apple. It’s nice to have the possibility to have a defective iPad battery replaced for $99. In fact, Apple replaces you device with a brand new one for that price. The bad news is we do not know how long the battery will last and for how long it can keep its charge. We are not talking about Kindle-like battery life here. So if your device’s battery can’t hold charge for as long as it’s supposed to, you are going to have some issues.
This is still better than what we used to get with Kindle. But these companies need to start offering user-replaceable batteries at this point. It is more convenient to replace your device’s battery than having your unit replaced with a new unit. It may be cheaper too. Will your iPad even hold charge for 10 hours as advertised by Apple? That’s another story for another day.