How to Borrow Free E-Books Using Amazon Prime?
0This is the question that we have seen asked on various websites in the past few months. Amazon Prime not only offers you fast shipping but also free content to borrow. Kindle Owners’ Lending Library has over 300k books Amazon Prime members can borrow. You will need to own a Kindle to do so. In order to start borrowing books, search for the ones you would like to pick up on your Kindle device and use the borrow option. This video shows you how to borrow free e-books on a Kindle Fire:
You do have the option to resend books you borrow to your older Kindles. In order to do that, log on to your Amazon account, visit Manage Your Kindle and use the ‘Deliver to my’ option under Actions.
Keep in mind that you can’t borrow every single book Amazon has to offer. The program does have its limits. But if you are paying for Amazon Prime, you may as well take advantage of this offer.