Happy Holidays Everyone
0Happy Holidays, folks! When I started K.indled, I didn’t start it to make a profit. I didn’t plan to do anything with it really. As some of you may know, I am a serial blogger, and Kindle was a device that I fell in love with a while ago. When I started this blog, I just wanted to share my thoughts and ideas for Kindle and hear yours. I’ve got to say. In the past year, I have heard your thoughts and feedback, and I am very impressed how K.indled has come in 2008. I manage many blogs, which means once in a while, K.indled gets neglected, but you guys have kept K.indled going and I am thankful for that.
The next year will be the most exciting year for me. I know a lot of us are suffering from the state of economy, but I look at it as a challenge. Something that we need to and will overcome. What can I say? I am an eternal optimist. But whatever happens in the next year, I hope you’ll stick around for the ride. 2009 will be a very tough year, but I can honestly say, it’s a great time to be alive! Happy Holidays everyone.