Ebook Glue: Turn Your Blog Into an E-Book
0Many folks blog to make a living these days. Most of your visitors will consume your content on their desktop, laptop, or tablet PCs. But it never hurts to give them more ways to read your posts. Ebook Glue is a simple tool that turns your blog into an e-book. It supports .Mobi and .ePub formats. Your visitors will be able to consume your e-book on their iPad, NOOK, or even in Firefox/Chrome using an ePub reader.
The tool is very easy to get started with. All you need is the RSS feed for your blog, and you are set. Ebook Glue might take a few seconds to prepare your book. The formatting is not always perfect but worked for us for the most part. Links in your content are preserved which is a plus.
Ebook Glue is not perfect but saves you time turning your blog into an e-book. This is a free tool at this time. We would love to see more formats supported.