How to Train Yourself To Speed Read {Infographic}
Speed reading is one of the most underrated skills to have. The faster you can read, the better are your chances of finishing more books and learning more. This infographic[…]
Speed reading is one of the most underrated skills to have. The faster you can read, the better are your chances of finishing more books and learning more. This infographic[…]
We have all misused English words in the past. It is one thing to do so by accident, but a whole other issue if you misuse a word in your[…]
I don’t know about you but I love science-fiction books. Many of them make predictions that don’t come true. But once in a while, you see books that are so[…]
We all have our favorite reading positions. I can spend hours on my back reading a good book without the need to take a break. Some people have more success[…]
With the rise in popularity of e-book readers such as Kindle, many folks have assumed that print books are on their way out. People are continuing to buy paper books[…]
Have you ever wanted to publish your own book? There is no better time to do that. You can publish your book to Kindle and many other popular platforms without[…]
Every year that passes, more people get used to the idea of buying e-books instead of paperbacks. Many book publishers are always wondering who e-book consumers are and what reading[…]
Buying an e-book reader is not an easy decision. There are plenty of e-book readers around these days, all with their many advantages and disadvantages. Kindle has been the top[…]
There is nothing more frustrating than buying an e-reader only to lose it shortly thereafter. Things get lost or stolen all the time. While there are no guarantees that you[…]