ASUS Steps Up Its Game with DR-900
Credit: AsusTek
AsusTek is one of the most electronics manufacturers in the world. The company is responsible for lots of innovative products, including CULVs, netbooks, and all in one PCs in the past few years. But it is not stopping there. It’s going after the e-book reader market as well. The ASUS DR-900 is the company’s latest effort to get its challenge in this market off the ground. The device is shiny, super thin, and support WiFi and 3G connections.
The videos of the device from CeBIT 2010 have already surfaced on the internet though it’s tough to figure out all the device’s features from these videos:
ASUS DR-900 reader is expected to support PDF, ePub, and other popular document formats. Many expect it to come with text to speech functionality as well. The battery life seems to be decent as well if the device does live up to its promise of 10,000 page turns per charge.
The downside is that ASUS doesn’t have content partnerships, so it’s going to be at a disadvantage against Amazon or B&N. It’d be interesting to see how the company gets around this issue. ASUS DR-900 does look promising, though it’s not a Kindle or Nook killer. But it’s always nice for consumers to have options.
Your thoughts: does DR-900 have a chance in the crowded e-reader market?