Apple Tablet Let Out of the Bag?
4As if we needed any confirmation after all that we have heard about Apple’s new creation, the CEO of McGraw Hill did manage to remove any doubts left concerning the introduction of Apple tablet today. The fact is, many publishers are giddy about Apple’s move to introduce a publisher friendly device in Apple tablet, and it’s no wonder they can’t contain their joy:
But not everyone’s happy about how Apple plans to put its tablet on sale. The price is going to be more than what most people prefer to pay. Besides, it’s not going to be an E-ink based device, so your reading experience on it won’t be as rich as what you get on a Kindle or Nook. Apple tablet is going to have its fans, and large publishers will certainly take advantage of the device’s popularity to reach out to more people. But for e-book junkies, there are probably better ways to spend $1000.
Will you be picking up an Apple tablet?