Android Kindle In the Works?
Credit: Angry Birds - Amazon
Amazon is serious about Android. The company will have a lot of money to earn selling Android applications through its app store. Amazon’s app store is expected to be announced on the upcoming Tuesday. It is only logical for Amazon to introduce an Android tablet to strengthen its app ecosystem. Amazon has so far not given us any hints about Kindle 4 and the improvements it will offer over Kindle 3. Considering all the action iPad 2 and Xoom are getting at this point, Amazon does not have all the time in the world to contemplate its next move. It is likely that Amazon will take a page out of B&N’s playbook and release an affordable Android tablet (perhaps with Kindle branding).
As reported on the New York Times, Amazon has been looking to hire Android developers through Lab 126. Jeff Bezos claimed a while ago that E-ink color devices were a few years away. So Amazon’s Android tablet will most likely not be an E-ink device, though E-ink devices could run Android.
Amazon does need a tablet of its own to stay more competitive against Apple and other tablet markers around. At the same time, it would be a shame if the company abandons its E-ink products. Kindle 3 is one powerful e-book reader. Kindle fans are expecting Amazon to make improvements to its Kindle products on an annual basis. Our suspicion is that Amazon’s Android tablet will replace Kindle DX. Kindle DX has not been a hit among students. An affordable color screen tablet with Android apps has a better chance to succeed among college students.
Amazon’s Android Appstore will be announced tomorrow. The company will most likely discuss its tablet plans at the time as well.