Amazon Sells 2M Kindle Singles?
0The Kindle Singles program sounded very exciting when Amazon launched it over a year ago. Of course, nobody knew for sure that there was a market for shorter books. It seems the idea has been quite successful for the company though. PaidContent is reporting that Amazon has sold 2M Kindle Singles since the launch of the program. Amazon has 165 Singles and is adding about 3 new ones each and every week.

Credit: PaidContent
Selling 2M Kindle Single titles in 14 months is not bad. Authors that are part of this program earn 70% of each sale while Amazon keeps the rest. Amazon has not disclosed the amount of money it has made with these though. The program gives unknown authors the chance to get their work out and monetize it through Amazon. It receives around 50 submissions each week but only 3 or so are accepted. Not every work in this program is done by unknown authors though.
This is a great way to Amazon to attract talent to its Kindle store. Getting involved in the Kindle Singles program is particularly low risk for authors and may encourage them to stick around and take on larger projects. Let’s just say Kindle Singles are more than lucrative for top authors for them to stick around.