Augmented Reality Glasses The Next Big Thing?
0Google Glass has already generated a lot of excitement in the tech community. Not everyone is a fan of it though. In fact, many businesses and governments don’t know how to deal with it. But if Forrester is right, these types of glasses could be very big deal in the near future. According to its latest report, 21.6m U.S. online consumers are already open to the idea of wearing smart glasses. Forrester believes smart glasses could be the next iPhone.
Glass Gravitators happen to be young and interested in using their eyewear to take pictures, navigate, and look up information on the go. Short battery life, price, and privacy challenges all have to be addressed before smart glasses take off. Google has gotten a head start in this market but it won’t be the only player. When will Apple, Amazon, and other big boys follow Google? That’s anybody’s guess at this time.
[via CatWig]