Why Amazon Kindle-to-Kindle Could Boost Kindle
0I am sure you are all familiar with the concept of X-to-X. Microsoft has used that (on a limited basis) for its Zune product line. With Zune, you can figure out if there is another Zune in your area, and you can share music with other Zune owners. I think the way Microsoft has implemented the idea doesn’t work that well, but if implemented correctly, an Amazon Kindle to Kindle feature could work. Here is why:
- Experience: Adding device-to-device connectivity only adds to Kindle experience. Imagine you are reading a good book on your Kindle, and decide to share your favorite passage or part of the book to another Kindle owner. Having the D2D feature for Kindlle will make that possible not only for books but also for newspapers, magazines, and blogs that are available on Kindle.
- WOMM: Amazon can definitely use the word of mouth marketing to its advantage to sell more Kindle books and newspapers. What Amazon needs to do is to add more popular titles to the Kindle. Once that’s taken care off, Amazon can count on its customers to do the work for it, partly that is.
- Communication: I have always had this idea that Amazon Kindle could be a good texting device. Obviously, if you don’t have anyone to text with, then you can’t find out.
Maybe Amazon will add these new features to the Kindle 2.0. But Amazon Kindle can go from an eBook reading device to a true learning/communication powerhouse if Amazon implements a feature such as D2D. I guess we’ll have to wait and see on this.