Kindle Elevator Pitch: Give Me Your Best Try!
0I don’t know about you, but the end is near for 2008, and I have decided to have a bit of fun on this blog. Can you tell me the most dreaded job interview question? How about the most important question a Venture Capitalist could ask an entrepreneur? If you agree what research has shown, “tell me a bit about yourself” and “tell me a bit about your idea” are the most dreaded questions that you can face in the above situations. These questions are not tough but most folks don’t know how to answer them properly. Most people can’t market themselves or their ideas properly, and that’s why answering the above question can turn into a car wreck.
Now, here is my question for you. Let’s say you are meeting someone who has no idea about the Kindle, and you are trying to explain in less than 50 words why they should get Kindle, what makes Kindle the best reader on the market, and what they can get out of it. What would you say? Simple question, isn’t it? 🙂