iPad Delivery Date Update: Apple Runs Out of iPads
0If you have been having second thoughts about the iPad and have been waiting till now to make your mind, you may have to wait a few more days to get your hands on an iPad. The demand for Apple iPad has been so high that even Apple has failed to keep up with it all. The company was expected to ship iPads starting April 3rd. But new orders will be shipped by April 12th, and you can expect that date to move yet again as more people find out and pick up their iPads.
Apple is great in pushing its products and should be a great case study for its competitors. The iPad may not be the best tablet on the market in a few months, but you can be sure that Apple will still sell more units than those trying to catch up with it. Amazon and B&N can still gain some momentum by becoming more aggressive with their prices. But they really need to do a better job promoting their devices. Amazon will have its big chance with Kindle 3 already in the works. Nook 2 is still a few months away. But both devices are expected to be much different than their predecessors. Can Amazon and B&N sell their units to the masses like Apple? We will have to wait and see on that.
Are you getting an iPad on April 3rd?