Insdream SX601 Reader: Another Kindle Clone?
0There are many experts who blame Amazon for not putting a better effort forward to improve Kindle and take it to the next level. The company has been a bit slow in listening to Kindle owners and implementing the features they are looking to see on their Kindles. But make no mistake about it. Kindle is still the top dog in the e-reader market, and that will remain the case for a while. After all, if other companies are cloning your device, you must be doing something right.

Credit: SlashGear
Insdream SX601 Reader is a new e-reader that has surfaced in China and has almost the same look as Amazon Kindle 2. But there is a big difference between the two. While Amazon takes advantage of E-ink technology to display e-books on Kindle, Insdream SX601 Reader relies on a 16-greyscale-level DSTN display. According to the manufacturer, the refresh rate is much better on the device and the battery life is long.
The good news is that SX601 reader supports ePub and PDF, so the owners will have a chance to bring their open format books on this device. The bad news is the device doesn’t have WiFi or an on-board storage. So you will need to rely on SD cards to get the job done. The device does look a lot like Kindle and considering that Amazon is still not as active as it could be around the globe, SX601 may have its fans in the Chinese market. Let’s hope Kindle 3 looks much different though. It’s time for a new design, isn’t it?