Kindle for iPhone Goes International
0Amazon’s latest update to Kindle iPhone app has gone live on iTunes. You can now use it to read books in “over 60 countries.” Of course, you are most likely to read English books on this app as Amazon’s bank of foreign books still leaves something to be desired.
There are a lot of people who have been using Kindle for iPhone internationally with workarounds that were posted a while ago on the web. But the new update makes the process much less painful. This is by no means a major upgrade however.
Amazon has already indicated that it will do its best to bring Kindle to even more platforms in the future. Nook and other new ebook readers will put much more pressure on Amazon, so expect to see the Kindle app available for as many devices as possible. In the meantime, lets hope Amazon makes a decent effort to improve Kindle for iPhone and make reading books on an iPhone (or any device of that size) much easier.
Kindle for iPhone feature request: what feature would you like to see Amazon add to this app?