Is Your Kindle Making You Stupid?
0Is your Kindle making you stupid? Let’s hope not. Some of us spend way too much time using our Kindles to read books. But a Norwegian study is suggesting that readers who use a Kindle are worse in recalling key events in text than people who use a paper books. In other words, folks who use a real book get to better comprehend what they are readying.
For this study, 50 people were given exact copies of the same mystery story. Half of them used a Kindle to read it. Kindle readers received lower scores on questions related to the timing of events in the story. What does this mean? We need to see more studies with more people tested to derive a conclusion. Some of us still love printed books, but their prices remain higher than e-books. With e-readers now cheaper than ever, who can blame people for going completely digital with their book choices.