What is K.indled.com?
0K.indle.com is a community about Amazon Kindle. Creating a community about a single product is usually not a good idea, but we believe Amazon K.indle has the potential to revolutionize the publishing industry. Amazon Kindle is very much different from other top ebook readers in the market such as Sony Reader, and if you have a Kindle you have probably noticed that. The Kindle is to publishing industry what iPhone is to the mobile phone industry. I personally look at Kindle as the start of a journey for the publishing industry, and there is so much to talk about to identify the areas that Amazon and its competitors can improve eBook readers. The goal of K.indle.com is to be the community where you talk about your Kindle experience and share your ideas, making all of us more knowledgeable as a result. Our forums will be up shortly, but in the meantime please feel free to share your experience with us. If you want to guest post on K.indle.com, drop us a line. Our Kindle Reviews will be posted shortly.