Will Amazon Drop Prices on Kindle DX?
0The holiday season is upon us, and a lot of people are making their plans to buy and give away gadgets this season. It’s true that the state of economy is not as well as it could be, but e-book readers are expected to be very hot this holiday season. And the competition will be mostly among Amazon Kindles and Sony Readers. In fact, a recent study by retrevo shows that while Amazon will have a lead going to this holiday season, Sony will be more than holding its own with its latest e-book readers (62% vs. 32%).
Unfortunately, the study doesn’t give us a break down based on generation. A lot of people are expected to pick up a Kindle this year but will they spend the extra few bucks to get a Kindle DX? Perhaps the better question is whether Amazon will finally drop its prices on Kindle DX.
Companies such as Apple are known for giving customers something to look forward to for the holiday season. Apple has already given us new Macs, a whole new iPod Nano, better iPod Touch units. Nintendo has already dropped its prices on Nintendo Wii. Even Xbox got a price drop a while ago. So when will we see Amazon give us a $50-100 discount on Kindle DX?
Amazon has held firm on its prices so far. The company did give us a $60 discount on Kindle 2.0 a few months ago, and there is no reason Kindle DX can’t go for $399.99. In fact, it will be much popular as an “under $400” gadget than an “under $500” one. But will Amazon take the chance? It should, but I highly doubt it would. Amazon may be saving that for the Kindle 3.0 launch event.
Your take: should Amazon drop its prices on Kindle 2.0 and Kindle DX for the holiday season? Maybe another “Oprah” like coupon just for the holidays?