Amazon Kindle's Eco-Friendlyness Examined
0So how green is Amazon Kindle? We have heard Amazon’s pitch on Amazon Kindle can save trees and help the earth, and that’s not all or is it? According to a report by CleanTech Group, Amazon Kindle as green as most of us believed it to be. It’s interesting to note that Amazon Kindle is not a 100% green device. In fact, there aren’t too many devices that are even close to that. But as more people start to adopt Kindle and ditch paper books, the CO2 emissions will be reduced dramatically. Let’s not forget that this study doesn’t take into account other e-book readers on the market. And it does assume certain adoption rate by 2012, but the forecast looks reasonable for what it is.

The one big assumption here is that people who own Kindles won’t buy paper books. I don’t know about you, but I still buy paper books even though I own a couple of Kindles. In reality, not all books are available for Kindle platform at this point, and some books are much easier to read in paper format than on a Kindle. Amazon will try to bring even more books to the Kindle platform in the upcoming months. Let’s not forget that Sony Reader, Asus, Plastic Logic, and other e-book readers will help reduce CO2 emissions as well. e-book readers won’t save the earth all by themselves, but they do give us a good start. I am just not sure people are buying them for their “eco-friendlyness.”