5 Misperceptions About Amazon Kindle
0We are about 7 months after the release of the Amazon Kindle, and you still here bloggers and gadgeteers who complain about the Kindle. Some of the complaints are valid of course. But of them aren’t. Here are 5 top nonesense complaints that I have heard about the Kindle:
- Kindle only reads Kindle books: I don’t know who came up with this nonesense idea, but it seems to have worked against the Kindle. I have heard CEOs and some very smart people claiming that Kindle can not read PDF files. Of course, these people don’t have the Kindle for that reason. It’s more like the whole chicken egg idea. You are not going to buy the Kindle because you believe it doesn’t read PDF files, and you are not going to find out unless you see it by your own eyes (you would expect in this modern age that people read their blogs and newspapers at least once a week).
- Kindle comes with subscription fees: Once again this is absolutely not true. One of the strong points for the Kindle is the free wireless service that you get with the Kindle. Why would you pay $359 for a device that charges you $20 on monthly fees as well. Kindle 1.0 is simply not good enough for such premium.
- Kindle books are more expensive: where people get this from is still a puzzle to me. I understand that some Kindle books are going for as much as their paperback counterparts, but you certainly can’t claim that Kindle books are more expensive. Have you checked Amazon yet?
- Kindle has infinite storage: You certainly can’t expect a device such as Kindle to have 40 gigs of storage as it is now. I am sure Kindle 2.0 or 3.0 will allow videos and other storage heavy media types but with eBooks I think Kindle’s storage is good enough. Plus use your SD card to expand it. Kindle is not iPod or Zune and it doesn’t claim to be. Books take days to read. Music takes minutes to listen to. So it’s unfair to expect Kindle to have storage for 30000 books.
- Kindle is for the rich: Kindle is not a cheap gadget. But it’s more useful than some of the other gadgets that people buy for more than twice the price. If you ask me whether I want a Nintendo Wii or a Kindle, I’d take the Kindle. I am sure the teenagers may with the Wii, but that doesn’t mean Kindle is not worth its price. Kindle is not for show off. It is certainly not a luxury. I consider it a necessity for my job and a lot of other people do as well.
Have you heard any other unfair suggestions about the Kindle? Please share…